Lecture Notes

  • What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals
  • Income and Other Goals
  • National Development
  • How to compare different countries or states?
  • Income and other criteria
  • Public Facilities
  • Sustainability of Development

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  • Sectors of Economic Activities
  • Comparing the three sectors
  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
  • Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
  • Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors

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  • Money as a medium of exchange
  • Modern forms of Money
  • Loan activities of Banks
  • Two different Credit situations
  • Terms of Credit
  • Formal Sector Credit in India
  • Self Help Groups for the Poor

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  • Production across countries
  • Interlinking production across countries
  • Foreign Trade and integration of markets
  • What is Globalization?
  • Factors that have enabled Globalization
  • World Trade Organization
  • Impact of Globalization in India
  • The Struggle for a fair Globalization

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